Yes, you can move funds between your Syfe portfolios. Simply click on “Manage Funds” on your account dashboard to make a transfer. Under ordinary circumstances, it takes approximately 2-3 business days for funds to be transferred between different portfolios. It will take one extra business day if the transfer request is received after 8:30 am HKT. An additional business day is required if it is on a US holiday.
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Can I transfer my funds in Cash+ to another Syfe portfolio?
Yes, you can move funds between your Syfe portfolios. Simply click on “Manage Funds” on your account dashboard to make a transfer. Under ordinary circumstances, it takes approximately 2-3 business days for funds to be transferred between different portfolios. It will take one extra business day if the transfer request is received after 8:30 am HKT. An additional business day is required if it is on a US holiday.