From the day you make the investment until the time your funds are processed, if the rate remains the same or has increased, your funds will get invested automatically at the prevailing rate. This ensures you get the best available rate at all times. If the rate had dropped by the time your funds are processed, your funds won't be automatically invested. You will be notified of the rate decrease and given the choice to lock in at the current rate, withdraw funds, or re-allocate to another portfolio.
Kindly be aware that only funds received prior to 9 AM HKT on a business day will be invested on the same day. Funds received after 9am HKT will be invested on the subsequent business day. To illustrate, any funds received by Syfe today after 9 AM HKT and tomorrow before 9 AM will be invested tomorrow afternoon, provided tomorrow is a business day. If you fund on a weekend or a public holiday, funds will be invested on the next business day.