The constituent funds selected within the Income+ portfolios are actively managed by the respective fund managers. In addition to this, Syfe takes an active approach to managing the allocations across these funds and adding or removing constituent funds, within the Income+ portfolios, in order to adapt to evolving market risks and opportunities. Syfe’s investment team periodically assesses composition and macro cycles and initiates rebalancing usually on a semi-annual. A more frequent reassessment may occur if there are significant market movements or macroeconomic developments.
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How frequently does Syfe reassess and rebalance the Income+ portfolios based on prevailing risks and market conditions?
The constituent funds selected within the Income+ portfolios are actively managed by the respective fund managers. In addition to this, Syfe takes an active approach to managing the allocations across these funds and adding or removing constituent funds, within the Income+ portfolios, in order to adapt to evolving market risks and opportunities. Syfe’s investment team periodically assesses composition and macro cycles and initiates rebalancing usually on a semi-annual. A more frequent reassessment may occur if there are significant market movements or macroeconomic developments.
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