Syfe Core portfolios hold equities, bonds and gold in varying allocations. We use exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and individual stocks to represent each asset class to ensure that each portfolio is broadly diversified across sectors and geographies.
Our portfolio methodology for Syfe Core rests on three guiding principles:
- Asset Class Risk Budgeting
- Smart Beta
- Stable asset allocation
Please see more details of our portfolio construction methodology here.
Clients can choose from four different Core portfolio types depending on their investment goals, time horizon and risk appetite:
- Core Defensive
- Core Balanced
- Core Growth
- Core Equity100
*The information contained herein does not constitute an offer, any solicitation, invitation or recommendation to engage in any investment activities.
*By using a time series factor forecast, the forecast annualised return is for reference only and is not an exact reflection of the actual return received by the investors in all cases. Investors should be aware that positive distribution yield may not imply a positive return. The information or advertisement contained herein does not constitute an offer, any solicitation, invitation or recommendation to engage in any investment activities. Investors should consider his/her own circumstances.