Syfe selects ETFs that are liquid, and with low expense ratios to minimize costs and maximize returns.
Additionally, Core Equity100 uses a Smart Beta strategy that takes into consideration the following factors: growth and value, volatility and country exposure. The portfolio also aims to achieve global diversification by investing in over 1,500 stocks from across the world through broad-based ETFs.
For more details, please refer to our explainer here.
*The information contained herein does not constitute an offer, any solicitation, invitation or recommendation to engage in any investment activities.
*By using a time series factor forecast, the forecast annualised return is for reference only and is not an exact reflection of the actual return received by the investors in all cases. Investors should be aware that positive distribution yield may not imply a positive return. The information or advertisement contained herein does not constitute an offer, any solicitation, invitation or recommendation to engage in any investment activities. Investors should consider his/her own circumstances.