A growth portfolio is one that’s predominantly invested in equities, with a smaller allocation to bonds and other assets for diversification. Historically, stocks have delivered higher returns than bonds. As such, a larger allocation to equities tends to help maximise your return potential.
Core Growth is generally more suitable for investors with a long term investing horizon. Find out more in our blog article: Is A Core Growth Portfolio Right For You?
*The information contained herein does not constitute an offer, any solicitation, invitation or recommendation to engage in any investment activities.
*By using a time series factor forecast, the forecast annualised return is for reference only and is not an exact reflection of the actual return received by the investors in all cases. Investors should be aware that positive distribution yield may not imply a positive return. The information or advertisement contained herein does not constitute an offer, any solicitation, invitation or recommendation to engage in any investment activities. Investors should consider his/her own circumstances.