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Funding and Withdrawal

  • The typical withdrawal process takes 4 to 5 business days due to the settlement cycle of the constituent funds. However there can be a few reasons that your withdrawal can be delayed:


    1. Fund holidays

    The underlying funds are domiciled in US, UK and HK. Hence any holidays in these countries (ie non-trading days) in these market can add to the withdrawal process

    1. Withdrawal immediately after depositing 

    Do note that subscription into Income+ takes 4 to 5 business days due to the settlement cycle. If a withdrawal is requested before the subscription process is completed, the withdrawal process will only start sequentially after that, thereafter requiring another 4 to 5 business days to complete. 

    1. Dividend processing in progress

    When dividends are credited to your portfolio, buy orders may be created. This is similar to the subscription process which requires 4 to 5 business days to complete. Hence if the withdrawal request is initiated during this period, likewise the withdrawal process will only start sequentially after that and complete 4 to 5 business days after.

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  • Since it takes time to subscribe and withdraw funds for clients, the normal process for clients deposit to us till settlement takes around 5 to 6 trading days. Currently, we only accept HKD as a deposit and withdrawal currency from investment in Income+.

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